I am an erotic mystic, a sacred sex, love and relationship coach & spiritual educator.
I have years of experience with love, dating, sacred sex, the paranormal and guiding people back to themselves and their intuition.
My professional career started with Reiki and tarot cards over 15 years ago, followed by a Master’s degree in Chinese Medicine and my acupuncture license. Since then, it has transitioned to helping people navigate the often confusing landscape of sex, love and relationships in its many forms: relationship to self, to others, to the divine, and to the paranormal.
I love learning from the stories of the past and am a lifelong learner. I am currently pursuing my second Master’s degree in Divinity and am attending seminary as a spiritual independent who’s committed to being an agent of change in the world. I am inspired to soon provide non-religiously affiliated options for funerals and end-of-life spiritual care.
I am currently offering zoom sessions for those in times of transition, confusion, transformation or crises. I have several tools that I use: oracle and tarot cards, the stars and astrology, human design, numerology and sacred listening, just to name a few. If you’re drawn to my work, book a session.
Sessions are up to 90 minutes and are $244. Payment is required at time of booking. I offer sessions at 12:00 and 2:00 cst Monday-Thursday and on Saturdays.
“It’s up to us to break generational curses. When they say, ‘it runs in the family’, you tell them, ‘and this is where it runs out.”

A Simple Intention
All of the answers you need are inside of you. It is my passion to connect you to those answers and to help you fall in love with the parts of yourself you’re judging as bad or unacceptable.
My intention is to help as many souls to be free from suffering as possible. In fact, I recently had a dream where I saw the number 10,000, as in I have a life mission to guide 10,000 people back to themselves. That is a lofty goal that doesn’t necessarily translate well into a traditional business plan.
I offer my services with love. I am letting you know that I believe we all came here at this time and place on purpose. We all came here to remember our divinity, that we are sovereign and that we are free. It has become my life’s mission to help you remove anything that may be standing the in the way of fully embodying that on every level.
My Beliefs
I believe everything can be narrowed down to either love or fear. I was born naturally compassionate and empathic and have found that it is easy and natural for me to love everything and everyone fiercely, even the parts, places, things and people most would judge as ugly or unlovable. Because I have this natural inclination, holding a safe, unconditionally loving frequency is easy for me. I also have fierce, solid boundaries, which make me a good candidate for lovingly but strongly removing attachments and entities that are where they don’t belong.
I believe non-violence is always the answer. Because I am so naturally compassionate and empathic, I simply cannot handle it when anyone or anything is suffering. Growing up, if there was a fight in school, for example, I would feel as though I were going to vomit and never understood why anyone got excited about anyone getting hurt. This compassion extends to animals, plants, the planet, even to attachments and entities because the truth is that they are suffering also.
I believe we are always co-creating and that there are no victims. Now I know that’s a hard pill to swallow, especially when it comes to natural disasters, war, genocide, children and animals, but I believe that sub-consciously, either personally or collectively, whatever we experience, we agree to on some level. Now, I don’t pretend to have all of the answers or to completely understand all of the mysteries of life. I do feel like choosing to believe this is very empowering and helps to alleviate some of the suffering associated with seemingly mindless tragedies.
I believe that I don’t know anything. Don’t believe a word I say or take my word for anything. Take what works for you and discard what doesn’t. Just throw it out the window, call bullshit, whatever works for you. The second I think I ‘know’ something, I am almost immediately humbled, brought to my knees, and realize that I don’t really know anything. I have come to honor and appreciate the great mystery of life and am constantly learning and revising my beliefs and view of the world daily.